4 - 1st September, 2023 - Term 3, Week 8
Principal's News
Dear Families,
This morning we celebrated our Dads with a bacon and egg breakfast and it was fantastic to see so many of our dads here! The Multipurpose Room was full with dads and kids, and the oval and playground full of excited students as they kicked the footy and played games afterwards. Grade 1/2R presented a lovely assembly which recognised that dads don't have to wear capes to be supermen! A big thanks goes to all who attended and to the staff for the organising, cooking and serving of breakfast this morning. We sincerely wish all of our dads a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday and hope you are thoroughly spoiled!
The Sunraysia District Athletics was held yesterday at the Aerodrome Ovals and a number of our students attended, participating in various events across the day. Mr Breewel and Mr Clay, with the help of Ned and Ryder (our two work experience students) and some parents supervised the students as they took part and reported that everyone gave their respective activities a great attempt! Congratulations to those students who will go on to the next stage of their event.
Over the past year, the Catholic Education Office in Ballarat has seen a rise in the number of parents who are contacting them with grievances about their child's school, rather than following protocols by speaking first with the teacher or Principal. This can be problematic for a number of reasons:
- The school promotes communication between parents and the staff and encourages first contact about any issue to be with those directly involved, as this is often enough to solve or clarify an issue. When this process is not followed, issues can escalate quickly.
- Catholic Education Ballarat does not know the context of what has caused an issue and therefore can spend multiple hours contacting the school to work out what has happened to cause the complaint. Days can go by while all information is collected and collated, meaning issues aren’t resolved in a timely manner.
- It has become apparent across the diocese (and the Victorian Education System as a whole) that complaints are often made to a higher entity because parents have not wanted to follow protocols when they do not like or agree with what they have been told by the school.
At OLSH, we pride ourselves on good communication between families and the school, and we thank our families for doing so respectfully and with an open mind on most occasions. In the event that you have any formal concerns, complaints or grievances that you have not been able to resolve successfully by talking to your child's classroom teacher or a member of leadership please fill out the form below. Attached also is a copy of our Complaints Handling Policy for you to review prior to lodging your complaint or grievance. Both Documents can be found in the Child Safe section on our website.
On Monday, we will be celebrating Indi’s first birthday with some cupcakes for the students and one for Indi, no doubt! It is incredible that Indi has been with us for three terms already, and she has definitely made her mark on our school community. She is very calm, settled and happy to be with our students in the school environment and they in turn find her presence comforting. The students are used to her being around their classrooms while still getting on with their school work. The sense of responsibility that has developed in the students around her care has also been fantastic to watch. We will be celebrating hard on Monday!
The junior unit will take part in activities next week as part of their camps program. Thank you to those parents who have made payment to the office to cover a portion of the activities. A reminder to parents to update your child’s medical information if necessary before the camp. A big thanks also goes to those parents who have offered to sleep over with the Grade 1/2 classes – this is much appreciated!
I hope all of our dads enjoy their special day on Sunday!
Yours sincerely,
Narelle Gallagher
School Contact Hours
- Narelle Gallagher: principal@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- Office staff: admin@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Office hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45m - Friday
Teachers: 8.45am to 4.00pm - Monday to Friday
Father's Day Breakfast
Upcoming Events
Religious Education
First Communion: A note went home last week to register your child for first communion. This form needs to be at the Parish Office with money by Wednesday September 6th. The parent information night will be held on Wednesday September 6th at the Sacred Heart Church beginning at 7pm.
Sports News
Mini Olympics: Yesterday 14 children represented the school at Mini Olympics. Congratulations to Eamon Breewel, Poppii Driscoll, Laura Withers, Davien Maher, Serenity-Rose Legin, Cody Pollard, Matilda Pritchard, Lucas Timmis, Isaac Longeri, Ava Barnes, Max Pulham, Shanae Scheer, Paley Hammet and Levi Davis. All students represented OLSH with pride and demonstrated great determination and sportsmanship.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to the following students:
Prep: Jordan Hammet | Improved confidence when completing writing tasks. |
Grade: 1/2 L: Zara Roberts | Making great improvements with her reading |
Grade: 1/2 R: Amy Roberts | Showing kindness to her peers and settling well to her school. |
Grade: 3/4 L: Dixie Canning | Great effort in Mathematics this week. |
Grade: 3/4 P: Alice Parker | Her valuable contributions to discussions and her creative short story focusing on transition words. |
Grade 6: Davien Maher | Displaying hard work and dediation at Athletics Day and Mini Olympics. |
Happy Birthday
We wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Ivy Sheard - 4th September - 8 yrs
Zali Goodger - 5th September - 6 yrs
Thomas Cupper - 6th September - 9 yrs
Junior News
Prep/One/Two Activity Day, Dinner and Sleepover
A note will come home next week with some reminders.
Parent Volunteers - Thank you to the parents who have offered to help for our upcoming student activity day and sleepover. By now you would have received a parent volunteer form - this is a new school requirement we require for all volunteers. Please read all forms carefully, and ensure everything is signed (including the last page). We also require a copy of both your driver's license and Working With Children card on file as well - these can just be photos sent through via email or seesaw, or can be photocopied at school. We would really appreciate it if these forms could be sent back as soon as possible, and no later than Thursday morning. Please let your child's teacher know if you need another form.
Prep News
Show and Tell- Week 9's topic is 'Share a picture of your pet or a pet you would like to have.'
STEM-We will be completing a STEM activity in Week 10. We will need cardboard boxes for this activity (similar in size to A4/A3 paper) and bubble wrap. If you have any please send these in at any time.
Assembly- On Friday 15th September the Preps will be completing a performance at assembly.
Grade One/Two News
The Grade Ones and Twos have had a busy week making lots of surprises for our special Dads. We wish all our Dads a wonderful Father's Day!
A big congratulations to 1/2R for their fantastic Assembly today! You all did an amazing job.
Please note, we will not be sending home any spelling words for homework for the next two weeks as we have so many events on, such as the 1/2 Activity Day and Sleepover and another excursion (Sunray Warriors) the following week.
STEM Day: We will have our STEM Day in Week 10. Could parents please send in cardboard tubes, small plastic containers and small boxes.
Thank you to everyone who has paid the $20 for our Activity Day and Sleepover. This is still required even if your child is not sleeping over, as the main cost are for the activity day events.
Please inform your child's class teacher if your child is not sleeping over ASAP. Also, if your child is sleeping and requires medication please email the details of this in advance so we can make a record of the dosage and time it is required.
Medication can be given to teachers on the day of the excursion in a ziplock bag with the child's name and dosage details clearly written.
Many thanks!
Lisa and Grace
If you have any questions you can email us at:
Prep: Rebecca Appledore - rappledore@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
1/2 L: Grace Laity- glaity@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
1/2 R: Lisa Ryan- lryan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Friday - 1/2 R contact: Emma Garraway - ewood@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Middle News
Grade Three / Four:
Congratulations to all the students who took part in the Mini Olympics yesterday. Today an important note regarding the camp is going home. If you have any concerns regarding the camp please contact Mr Lawrence. Next week it is Grade 3/4 L's assembly, and we hope to see some parents there for their performance.
Both classes have been busy in Science, learning about the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, and how they affect each other.
The students hard at work learning about the effects of the Sun and about teamwork.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 3/4 L: Adam Lawrence – alawrenc@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 3/4 P: Julie Phelan – jphelan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Senior News
Grade Five News
In literacy we have been working on how to 'Show, not tell' in our writing. Here are some sentences we are really proud of.
- Karen's jaw dropped as her heart started to shatter, and shivers filled her legs. Myah
- Goosebumps prickled down Stacy's spine as the phone kept rambling on. Matilda F
- Sue’s eyes opened wide when she got news of suspicious things happening in town. Cosi
- His body felt like someone had shot him in the heart. His eyes started to close and he started to fall to the ground as everything went black. Lilliana
- My belly quaked. Shivers went down my spine and my legs wobbled like jelly. Hayden
- Her eyes went wide while the telephone slipped like butter, out of her trembling hands. Theon
We have enjoyed painting portraits of special people in our lives. Please come and see the amazing display of art on the wall as you enter the Multi-purpose room.
Grade Six News
We have made some special 'Dad' portraits in Art this week.
We also started our unit on Puberty this week. Students might have some questions for you at home. Sessions will continue next week.
Thanks to all the Dad's for coming along this morning. We hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day.
Students will be competing in Summer Sports on Friday. Please ensure you have given them permission to attend their chosen event through the Simon app.
The next two weeks are super busy. We have Indi's 1st Birthday, RUOK? Day, Sunray Wariors excursion, Footy Colours Day and the Disco coming up. If you have any questions about the upcoming events, please contact me.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 5: Cheryl-Anne Courtney - ccourtney@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 6: Danielle Ford- dford@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
General News
School Advisory Council Members:
Thel O’Shea, Hannah Mills, Grant Finlayson, Amy Cupper, Sandra Hammet, Lana Borchard, Adam Lawrence (Staff Rep) & Narelle Gallagher (Principal)
SIMON Everywhere App
This can be downloaded from either the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. The app has been updated earlier this year and an email was sent out to parents. If you are having issues with logging in, can you please contact Mia in the office.
Student Medical Profile
Medical Profile: Please make sure that the school has been notified of any changes that have been made to your child’s Medical Profile on PAM and to also include this on the pink Parental Authority and Consent Form each year.
Parent Notified Absence
If your child is unwell and will be absent from school, you are able to complete a Parent Notified Absence (PNA) on the SIMON Everywhere App or Parent Access Module (PAM) which will automatically notify the teacher and a text message will not be sent.
These are distributed every Friday on SIMON Everywhere and the OLSH Website. Please contact us if at any time you have any queries or require any further explanation about events, dates etc. Any items for the newsletter are asked to be handed in at the office by 9.00am on Friday.
Attendance & Sign in
A reminder to parents that the school needs to be notified of a student absence by 10 am on the day. This can be done by calling the school office or by using SIMON Everywhere or sending an email to admin@olsmerbein.catholic.edu.au.
Second Hand Uniform
Please contact the school if you require any second hand uniform.
Other News
Coomealla Wentworth Cricket Club Junior Training
UNDER 10 (J1), 12 (J2) 14 and 16
- Training will commence Thursday 7th September from 4:30pm at George Gordon Oval, Dareton. All players will be made most welcome.
Woolworths Junior Blasters (Milo) cricket program (ages 5-10)
- Registration day Thursday October 12 (first week of term 4 NSW), George Gordon Oval, Dareton from 4:30 – 5:30pm.
- Junior Blast cricket offers children the opportunity to learn lots of new cricket skills like batting, bowling, catching and throwing, as well as social skills allowing them to meet new friends and have fun.
- Participants receive a 10-week structured program.
For all cricket options register online at: https://www.playhq.com/cricket-australia/register/553efb Or search Play HQ and enter Coomealla.
NSW Active kids voucher available
For further information phone Jeremy Giddings on 0427 102285 (ah)