3 - 25th August, 2023 - Term 3, Week 7
Principal's News
Dear Families,
It was a big few days for the OLSH Grade Five and Six students, with their bus to camp leaving early on Monday morning for an adventure in the city of Adelaide! Our days were very busy, with activities including the Monarto Zoo, AFL Max, West Beach Adventure Climb, the Beach House, a tour of the Adelaide Oval (Mr. Breewel’s favourite!) the Museum and dinner at Aquinas College. Our students thoroughly enjoyed each new experience and represented the school well, taking part enthusiastically and respectfully in all activities. We received a lovely message from AFL Max confirming this, which I have included below. While being away from home can be challenging for some and camps can be very tiring (it was a struggle to get myself to work today!) they are a great opportunity for students to experience things that they may not normally get to and to spend time outside of the school environment with their peers and teachers. A great time was had by all! A big thanks goes to the students, all staff who attended, for making the camp so much fun and especially to Miss Ford, who organised everything!
Next Friday we will be holding our Father’s Day breakfast at school in the Multipurpose Room. This is always a great morning and opportunity for our special dads to spend an hour or two with the kids before heading off to work. If you haven’t done so already, please put in your order for breakfast (for dad and the kids) through CDF pay by Monday afternoon. We are looking forward to seeing as many dads there as possible!
As we come toward the end of the term, there are a few activities and events coming up, such as the Disco and Footy Colours Day. The disco will be held on Thursday night from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Multipurpose Room. The evening is for students only (no parents!) and the night is fully supervised by staff. Our Student Leaders always do a great job of organising this event, so keep your eye out for more information next week. Footy Colours Day happens on the last day of term, and is a chance for students to dress up in their favourite team’s colours and have some fun taking part in activities run by our Grade Six class. Although we focus the day around the AFL, students can dress up in any sporting colours, including netball, hockey or rugby, to name a few. We will also be having hotdogs or pies from the canteen on this day, which can be ordered through the app as the day gets closer.
R U Ok? Day is also coming up around the country, and at OLSH we would like to recognise this by wearing a splash of yellow with our uniforms on the last Thursday of term (Disco Day). This can be as simple as a ribbon or socks. The day highlights the importance of checking in on our friends, loved ones or strangers to see if they how they are travelling. At school, this has always been a focus for us, not only for students but for staff as well. It only takes a second to ask someone if they are ok, so let’s all use our time wisely!
Enjoy the warmer weather on the weekend!
Narelle Gallagher
- Narelle Gallagher: principal@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- Office staff: admin@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Office hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45m - Friday
Teachers: 8.45am to 4.00pm - Monday to Friday
OLSH Father's Day - 1st September
R U OK? Day - 14th September
OLSH Disco - 14th September
First Communion: Next week a registration form will be sent home to those children in Grade 4 and above who are eligible to make their First Communion. The form needs to be filled out and returned to the Parish Office before Wednesday September 6th 2023. The parent information night will be held on Wednesday September 6th at 7pm at the Sacred Heart Church. The sacrament of First Communion will take place on the weekend of October 20th - 22nd 2023.
Sport News
Mini Olympics: Those children who have been selcted for Mini Olympics will receive a note on PAM which is being held at the Aero Ovals on Thursday August 31st. The permission form needs to be completed by Thursday to ensure your child attends. The children attending is based on results from our Athletics Day.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to the following students:
Prep: Romeo Dichiera | Trying extra hard when sounding out and spelling his words. |
Grade: 1/2 L: Nash Seymour | Working hard with his handwriting and asking for help when he is unsure. |
Grade: 1/2 R: Fei Lin | Settling into her new school and working hard to improve her reading. |
Grade: 3/4 L: Summer Alderson | Her great improvement and always gtring her best in Mathematics. |
Grade: 3/4 P: Emmett Barnden | The effort he has put into his reading and writing, and working well in class. |
Junior News
Grade Prep/One/Two Activity Day, Dinner and Sleepover
Information went home last week. Please make sure you give permission on Simon Everywhere. Thanks to those who have offered to assist. Please make sure you have given a copy of your Working With Children's Check to the office. Don't forget to pay the $20 at the office either by cash or card.
Prep News
- I hope the Preps have had a great week with Ms Courtney, Mrs Webb and Mrs T.
- I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday. Students will have Mrs Lohmeyer on this day.
- Advanced Notice-On the 15th of September (Week 10) the Preps will be presenting at assembly. We hope to see you there.
Grade One/Two News
Assembly: Well done to 1/2 L for their assembly performance today, they all did a fantastic job. Grade 1/2 R will present Assembly on the 1st of September after our Father's Day Breakfast. Can all 1/2 R students please make sure they have emailed Mrs Ryan a photo of them and their dad so it can be used for assembly.
Writing: This week in writing we have been learning about Informative Texts. Students have been learning the difference between comparitve, descriptive and general sentences.
Art: Grade 1/2 made some artwork this week getting ready for Father's Day including portaits and some Father's Day gifts.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
Prep: Rebecca Appledore - rappledore@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
1/2 L: Grace Laity- glaity@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
1/2 R: Lisa Ryan- lryan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Friday - 1/2 R contact: Emma Garraway - ewood@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Middle News
Grade Three / Four:
Grades Three and Four have been working hard this week and have done a fantastic job at filling in as leaders of the school while the Grade Five and Six students have been on camp, as well as taking on their jobs for the week. Both classes will be starting their new Science Unit on the Solar System and are using appositives in their writing to make their writing more interesting and to add more detail. A reminder that if students haven't handed their camp note in it is now due, if you have any questions please contact Mr. Lawrence.
Adam and Tana Lawrence
Grade 3/4 P have now completed their Civics and Citizenship unit, 'Democracy, Laws and Citizens', so this week they reflected on a time during the unit that was important to their learning. In groups they recreated them as a snapshot and the rest of the class had to suggest what part they were showing. There were people breaking the law and facing consequences, people volunteering to help people in need and citizens standing up for others in their community. Can you guess which scene repersents these scenarios? Each group did a great job and collaborated well.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 3/4 L: Adam Lawrence – alawrenc@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 3/4 P: Julie Phelan – jphelan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Senior News
After a fun filled week away on camp we will hit the books again next week.
In Maths we will begin a unit on fractions and decimals. In writing we will look at ways to show, not tell and we will begin our growth and development (puberty) lessons as well. STEM week will be the last week of this term and we will be designing a chicken coop. Please save and send in any recyclable materials that students can use to build their prototypes.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 5: Cheryl-Anne Courtney - ccourtney@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 6: Danielle Ford- dford@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
General News
School Advisory Council Members:
Thel O’Shea, Hannah Mills, Grant Finlayson, Amy Cupper, Sandra Hammet, Lana Borchard, Adam Lawrence (Staff Rep) & Narelle Gallagher (Principal)
SIMON Everywhere App
This can be downloaded from either the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. The app has been updated earlier this year and an email was sent out to parents. If you are having issues with logging in, can you please contact Mia in the office.
Student Medical Profile
Medical Profile: Please make sure that the school has been notified of any changes that have been made to your child’s Medical Profile on PAM and to also include this on the pink Parental Authority and Consent Form each year.
Parent Notified Absence
If your child is unwell and will be absent from school, you are able to complete a Parent Notified Absence (PNA) on the SIMON Everywhere App or Parent Access Module (PAM) which will automatically notify the teacher and a text message will not be sent.
These are distributed every Friday on SIMON Everywhere and the OLSH Website. Please contact us if at any time you have any queries or require any further explanation about events, dates etc. Any items for the newsletter are asked to be handed in at the office by 9.00am on Friday.
Attendance & Sign in
A reminder to parents that the school needs to be notified of a student absence by 10 am on the day. This can be done by calling the school office or by using SIMON Everywhere or sending an email to admin@olsmerbein.catholic.edu.au.
Second Hand Uniform
Please contact the school if you require any second hand uniform.