3 - 16th February, 2024 - Term 1, Week 3
Principal's News
Enhancing Catholic School Identity (ECSI) Survey
Religious Education News
Enrolment at OLSH
Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser
Learning and Teaching
OLSH Swimming Lessons
Parent Teacher Interviews - Bookings close Monday at 9am
Happy Birthday
Student of the Week
Prep News
Grade 1 News
Grade 2 News
Grade 3 & 4 News
Grade Five News
Grade Six News
General News
Principal's News
Dear Families,
Last week our staff attended the first of our Structured Literacy Professional Development days for this year. Throughout the day we worked alongside staff from Sacred Heart School from Mildura to share ideas and progress with our implementation of the program so far. You may have seen this week on the news that there is concern for the reading ability of primary students, with one in three school children in Australia below standard. It was great to hear Literacy experts interviewed recommending a structured approach to literacy as a way foward towards improvement, which is validating for OLSH and our decision to take the Structured Literacy journey. We will keep updating you of our progress with this program, and it would be great if you could take the time to ask you child about their learning during literacy time.
Today at assembly, our new school leaders took charge of running proceedings and they did a great job! It isn’t easy to stand up in front of a crowd to speak (take it from me!) but the students handled this beautifully! Having our leaders running assembly each week is our aim for the year, as this builds confidence and develops their leadership skills further. Our Preps did a great job of standing up this morning also and were introduced to the school community by their Grade Six buddies. It was good to hear about their favourite things and their plans for the future! Well done to everyone!
Every four years, Catholic schools in the Ballarat Diocese complete the ECSI (Enhancing Catholic School Identity) Survey. It is our turn to take part in the survey this year. The ECSI survey collects data from staff, parents and senior students about how they feel about their own school, and how they see their ideal school. This data gives our school areas to celebrate as a Catholic school but also highlights areas that we can work on to ensure that our Catholic Identity remains evident at OLSH. It is really important that when completing the survey that you answer honestly so that our data is reflective of our reality. We would appreciate it if parents could take the time to fill in the survey – it does take a little while, but once you get started you will get used to the format it takes. Links have been emailed to families today, so keep an eye out for this in your inbox!
Our Shrove Tuesday plans for a morning tea of pancakes were unfortunately derailed by the hot weather earlier in the week, with a total fire ban in place. Instead, a day after the beginning of our Lenten season on Ash Wednesday, we got to enjoy our pancakes! At OLSH we like to encourage our students to name the celebration correctly as Shrove Tuesday, rather than Pancake Tuesday, as the tradition is an old one linked to when families would get rid of all of the food in the house (usually making a pancake-like food) before fasting for Lent. A big thanks goes to all of our helpers, including Savannah and Indi’s grandma Pam Williams, who cooked a lot of pancakes for students to enjoy!
Next week on Monday and Tuesday afternoon, we will be holding our first Parent/Teacher interviews for the year. These meetings are a chance for you to speak to your child’s teacher about what you see as their strengths and challenges and your goals for their learning this year. We hope that everyone will take the time to attend an interview, as it’s a great opportunity to share information about your child. Please go onto the booking system on PAM to book in, or if you are having difficulty, ring the office and we can help you out!
We have had some questions from families about where to find out important dates that are coming up at the school. If you are looking at the newsletter on your phone, you will see that directly under the Principal’s News there is a calendar that you can click on with all the dates for the month. If you’re viewing the newsletter on the computer, there are also a list of dates down the side of the screen. It is important that families keep up to date with what is going on around the school, as this allows life to run smoothly for you, your child and the school! I also usually mention any upcoming events in my news each week and teachers will talk about different activities in their news section, so there are plenty of ways to stay informed!
Next week I will be attending the first of the Diocesan Leadership Gatherings for the year. These are gatherings (in Horsham) of all principals in our diocese and they take place in Week Four of each term. There are many topics on the agenda that have a direct impact of the running of our schools. Next week we will be looking at DOBCEL’s (our governing authority) newly revamped Enrollment Policy, which we hope will make clear the procedures for enrollment and expectations of families for maintaining their child’s enrollment, particularly around unacceptable parent behaviour, which unfortunately is becoming an issue for many schools. I will be away on Thursday and Friday but Mr. Lawrence will be available if needed.
I hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
Narelle Gallagher
- Narelle Gallagher: principal@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- Office staff: admin@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Office hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm - Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45m - Friday
Teachers contact hours: 8.45am to 4.00pm - Monday to Friday
OLSH School Calendar
Enhancing Catholic School Identity (ECSI) Survey
Information has been emailed out to parents this afternoon.
Religious Education News
Sacrament of Confirmation (Grade 3 and above): Children in Grade 3 and above who have been baptised, have the opportunity to continue their sacramental journey by making their Confirmation. Below are the dates of Confirmation and parents need to contact the parish office to register their child.
Parent Information Meeting: 27th March 7pm, Sacred Heart Church.
The celebration dates are as follows: Friday 17th May, Saturday 18th May and Sunday 19th May.
Project Compassion: Now that Lent is upon and we are focusing on the needs of others, we are all reminded to donate money to the Project Compassion boxes. There are boxes in all the classrooms or you can donate money to the box in your home that went home on Wednesday. The money raised during this project helps many people around the world in desperate need of clean water, fresh food or medical assistance. So this Lent, give generously and help end poverty around the world.
Altar Servers Guild: The parish is founding an Altar Servers Guild to provide practical training and ongoing formation to Guild members. The Guild will meet weekly during school terms. If you are interested in joining the Guild and becoming an altar server visit:
www.sunraysiacatholic.org/altar-servers or call the parish office on 5021 2872.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Enrolment at OLSH
The link below will take you to our website where you are able to fill out the online enrolment form. To finalise the application you will need to upload your child's Birth Certificate and Immunisation Record.
If you have any questions please call the school or email admin@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser
This year OLSH Merbein will once again be taking part in the Banjo’s Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser. For every order made, Banjo’s Mildura will donate 20% of all sales back to OLSH Merbein. We are yet to decide on what we put the funds towards this year. Banjo’s Hot Cross Buns are delicious and great toasted or fresh with a cuppa so we hope that all families will support this drive!
How it will work:
- Collect your orders/money and keep a record on the form below - this will be for your records (we will be sending these forms home on Monday)
- Log on to CDF Pay and complete your order by the following date: Wednesday, 20th March
- All orders will be delivered to the school for collection on Tuesday, 26th March at 3.20pm on wards.
Learning and Teaching
You may have heard in the media this week about Structured Literacy and the positive impact it can have. These reports relate to the Grattan Institute's newly published report on Reading Instruction that supports the evidence-based literacy practices of Structured Literacy. At OLSH, we are commiting a great deal of time and effort to its implementation, including last Friday's closure day. Days such as these are vital in the development of teacher knowledge and how best to implement that knowledge to benefit the students at OLSH.
Starting on the 13th of March, students in Grades Three and Five will take part in NAPLAN. Below is an information brochure for parents and carers. If you have any concerns or questions about NAPLAN, please speak to your child's teacher.
Adam Lawrence
The students hard at work during Structured Literacy time!
Wellbeing Barometer Survey: 2024
The Wellbeing Barometer survey has proven to be an invaluable tool for schools, providing insights into the state of youth mental health and wellbeing.
Participating in this year's survey, will assist in identifying areas of strength and concern, as well as pinpointing opportunities for early intervention. Previously gathered information has helped support families as they navigate difficult conversations that enable understanding and foster connections to build relationships.
This survey is part of an ongoing, longitudinal study, with the results being instrumental in tailoring support for students and their families. Participation is strongly encouraged, as it provides a comprehensive view of students' experiences, challenges, and achievements over the past year. Its aim is to capture a comprehensive picture of young people's lives, allowing for a tailored approach to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing.
We encourage you to take a few moments to complete a survey for each of your children. This will help us determine the nature and extent of your concerns and how best to support families in the months ahead. Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in the last 12 months.
Acquiring the skills for future independence, taking healthy risks, and giving young people the opportunity to emancipate from parents, are key developmental tasks that are essential if we are to stave off the impact of mental illness in the future. Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help. Select the link below to your special report:
OLSH Swimming Lessons
Parent Teacher Interviews - Bookings close Monday at 9am
Parent Teacher interviews are taking place next week on the 19th & 20th February – Parents are now able to log on to SIMON Everywhere and make a booking.
Please note: If parents have attended an SSG meeting you will not be required to attend a Parent Teacher Interview.
Happy Birthday
We wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Ivy Libchard - 20th February - 8 yrs
Indiana Walsh - 21st Februry - 6 yrs
Student of the Week
Class: | Awarded to: | For: |
Grade Prep: | Giuliana Mazza | always putting in amazing effort and her great work at assembly practise. |
Grade 1: | Indi Barnes | always putting in amazing effort with her work and being kind to all of her peers. |
Grade 2 : | Elki Garraway | overcoming her worries and doing an amazing job speaking at her school liturgy. |
Grade 3 / 4 L: | Rory Cowling | his terrific efforts when answering all types of questions. |
Grade 3 / 4 P: | Esther Smith | demonstrating a positive attitude and always contributing to our 'daily review'. |
Grade 5: | Max Pulham | being organised for learning and always doing his best. |
Grade 6: | Matilda Field | her hard work in Mathematics to add decimal fractions. |
Prep News
Parent/Teacher Interviews- These are coming up on the 19th and 20th of February. Please make a time to come and see your child’s teacher. You will need to book this on PAM/SIMON and bookings are now open.
Buddy Assembly- Well done to students on their first assembly item today! It can be very overwhelming being in front of the whole school and a big group of parents! We will have a turn at presenting at assembly by ourselves later on in the year.
Next Prep Rest Day- Wednesday 21st February. Students do not come to school.
Reading- Please make sure you are listening to/reading each night.
I will be out on Monday from 12-3:25pm. Students will come and complete some assessment with me. Miss Bock will take the students for this time.
Week Three Photos
Grade 1 News
We have our assembly coming up next week, the 23rd of February. Please come along to see our class presentation.
Literacy- Structured Literacy is well under way in Grade One. We have been completing our Daily Review each day and this week we started paired fluency. This is where students read with a partner and practise reading out loud.
Mathematics- This week we have focused on teen numbers, identifying which numbers are higher and lesser than.
Science- In Science we looked at how animals are grouped in zoos. Students chose an animal to draw in their books that they would like to see in a zoo.
Spelling- New spelling words will be sent home on Monday, pleasure ensure Spelling books stay in reader folders so I can check them each Friday.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me during office hours, either via the SeeSaw app or email: glaity@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Grade 2 News
Thank goodness for the cool change! It was a hot start to the week but the students enjoyed the cooler weather today.
This week we have focused on the -ze and aw digraphs in spelling. Please ensure the home spelling book stays in your child's reader cover, as we sometimes practise words at school. We had our first spelling test yesterday and it was great to see how many students had been practising their words at home.
In Writing, we have been learning about sentences and fragments as well as adding detail to simple sentences.
In History, we have been learning about how artefacts, stories and artwork are used to preserve and enhance our knowledge of the past. We were very fortunate to have Erica Bloomfield bring in some books and objects from her Grandmother's recent trip to Egypt. The student's were fascinated to learn about this ancient culture.
The students participated well during our Ash Wednesday liturgy on Wednesday. Each family now has been given a Project Compassion Box. These can be returned to school before the end of Term One with any donations that have been made during Lent. In class, we will be looking at some of the ways the Project Compassion money is used in different countries to help those in need.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Just a reminder to book a time slot for Parent Teacher interviews next week (Monday or Tuesday) on the SIMON Everywhere app. If you have any trouble, please call the office for assistance.
*Please note, if you have already attended an SSG meeting, you do not need to book a Parent/Teacher interview as well.
Have a great weekend!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me during office hours, either the SeeSaw app or email: lryan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
If you have any questions you can email us at:
Prep: Rebecca Appledore - rappledore@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Grade 1 : Grace Laity- glaity@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Grade 2 : Lisa Ryan- lryan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Grade 3 & 4 News
This week, the students took part in an 'Inform and Empower' livestream. They learned about digital footprint and identity, passwords, and internet etiquette. These sessions are always filled with helpful information for students in the online world they live in. Below is the tip sheet for parents and carers.
Thanks to those people who met with us this week regarding SSG meetings. It was lovely to meet new faces. Next Monday and Tuesday we have Parent Teacher interviews. Please make a booking if you have not already done this. Parents who had SSG meetings do not need to make another booking.
There continue to be many students who still have not brought in their art smock or art folios. Could these be brought to school ASAP please. Thanks to those who have already done this.
Congratulations to one of our Grade Four students, Ryan Hawkes, who became big brother to baby sister Indy this week. Mum and baby doing wonderfully!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Julie and Adam
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 3/4 L: Adam Lawrence – alawrenc@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 3/4 P: Julie Phelan – jphelan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Grade Five News
- This week we have had lots of learning about Lent. Students participated beautifully in the Ash Wednesday Liturgy and loved the pancakes on Thursday. Other highlights have been having Indi back in the classroom with us and also working hard to learn to touch type.
- In Maths we are working on multiplication and using the partial product strategy to solve problems. Students are encouraged to spend a few minutes every day practicing times tables. Having automaticity with number facts means students can focus their thinking on solving the problem.
- Next week on Monday and Tuesday, parents are invited to a Parent/Teacher Interview. It's a great opportunity to chat about your child's strengths and learning needs. I am looking forward to meeting you. You can make a booking on the Simon Everywhere app.
- Swimming is coming up in Week Five. Students are encouraged to check they have their swimmers, towel, goggles and slip on shoes ready to go!
Grade Six News
- This week students completed their first Inform and Empower live incursion. Inform and Empower challenges students to reflect more deeply about their online experiences. Preparing them to thrive in an online world involves being aware, clever, brave and kind. This term they are looking at digital citizenship which covers concepts such as rights & responsibilities, public & permanent, internet & the law and our digital footprint.
- Just a reminder that you can now book Parent/Teacher Interviews for next week. Please message if you have any questions or need to make an alternative time to meet me.
- Well done to the Grade Six students for their great performance at Assembly today. It was nice to see them up there smiling and interacting with their buddies.
- Swimming is coming up in Week Five. Please check you have given permission for this through Simon.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 5: Cheryl-Anne Courtney - ccourtney@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 6: Danielle Ford- dford@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
General News
School Advisory Council Members:
Thel O’Shea, Hannah Mills, Grant Finlayson, Amy Cupper, Sandra Hammet, Lana Borchard, Adam Lawrence (Staff Rep) & Narelle Gallagher (Principal). Our first meeting for the year is on March 5th.
SIMON Everywhere App
This can be downloaded from either the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. The app has been updated earlier this year and an email was sent out to parents. If you are having issues with logging in, can you please contact Mia in the office.
Student Medical Profile
Medical Profile: Please make sure that the school has been notified of any changes that have been made to your child’s Medical Profile on PAM and to also include this on the pink Parental Authority and Consent Form each year.
Parent Notified Absence
If your child is unwell and will be absent from school, you are able to complete a Parent Notified Absence (PNA) on the SIMON Everywhere App or Parent Access Module (PAM) which will automatically notify the teacher and a text message will not be sent.
These are distributed every Friday on SIMON Everywhere and the OLSH Website. Please contact us if at any time you have any queries or require any further explanation about events, dates etc. Any items for the newsletter are asked to be handed in at the office by 9.00am on Friday.
Attendance & Sign in
A reminder to parents that the school needs to be notified of a student absence by 10 am on the day. This can be done by calling the school office or by using SIMON Everywhere or sending an email to admin@olsmerbein.catholic.edu.au.
Second Hand Uniform
Please contact the school if you require any second hand uniform.