1 - 11th August, 2023 - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's News
Dear Families,
Today you will notice that we have begun using a new template for our newsletter. Schoolzine is used by many schools and educational organisations and is a professional looking news stream which will enable us to share articles, events, photos and videos with you and our community as they happen. The newsletter will still be accessed in the same way as before, but in the coming months we will be able to add different features to make the newsletter even better. This format also works really well when accessed on a phone, which is used more often these days. We hope you like it!
Our Athletics Carnival is happening next Friday, 18th August on the oval at school. This event allows the students to try out different activities while still having a bit of fun on the day. All students must wear their sports shorts and runners to school, but can wear a t-shirt appropriate to their team colour (Gleeson – yellow, McAuley – green). Ribbons, streamers, some hair spray or tutus are allowed on this day to add some atmosphere. We welcome helpers on the day, as there is always an activity that can use an extra body! Coffee and tea will be available in the Multipurpose Room but please bring your own snacks and lunch on the day if you wish to eat. There will be canteen for the students as normal on this day.
September is just around the corner and OLSH will once again be holding a Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday, September 1st. While we celebrate our dads on this day, it’s also a great morning for our dads and kids to spend some time together while enjoying a bacon and egg roll! After breakfast, there is time to have a look in the classrooms, a kick of the footy or a game of down ball! Orders for breakfast will be done via CDF Pay. Check out the information in the newsletter for instructions on how to order.
Our Grade 5&6 Camp to Adelaide is only 10 days away! The students are getting very excited and the itinerary is looking good! Camps are a great way for students and teachers to interact with each other in a less formal environment and always provide plenty of laughs and great memories for all involved. While there have been necessary changes to our camps program due to the new EBA, the students are fortunate that they will still be able to experience time away from home between Grades Three and Six. Camp fee reminders have been sent home to some families today. Thank you to those who have paid or made contact with us to make alternate arrangements.
Today we will be sending home an updated version of our Home/School Agreement. We would appreciate it if all families could read the information provided regarding home/school partnerships, then sign and return the agreement to school. The purpose of the Home/School Agreement is to ensure that the school and families work together in the best interests of the students, support the school with our boundaries and expectations, and to make sure that all parties collaborate in a respectful manner with each other. Please look out for this form in your child’s school bag.
Enjoy the weekend!
Narelle Gallagher
- Narelle Gallagher: principal@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- Office staff: admin@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Father's Day Breakfast
The Father’s Day Breakfast is coming up on September 1st. We will be asking parents to order their breakfast through CDF pay. The breakfast is a great way to celebrate our dads and for them to spend a little bit of time enjoying an bacon and egg roll with the kids, as well as a pre-work kick of the footy or a look in the classroom! We hope to see as many of our OLSH dads here as possible!
Religious Education News
Learning about Mass
The children have been learning about the different parts of a Mass. They have been involved in lessons that look at how a Mass flows through the different stages and what happens in each stage. We encourage families to attend Mass and let the children experience what they have learnt. Parish Masses are held on Sundays at 10:30am.
Sports News
Athletics Day
Our annual School Athletics Day will be held next Friday August 18th. Please mark this in your diaries. If you are available to help on the day please contact Michael Breewel via email: mbreewel@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
The day will consist of children being placed in age groups and then going around and participating in various events. This will include running, high jump and shot put. They will also be involved in games during the day.
Children are encouraged to dress in their house colours and get involved in a great fun day. Parents are welcome to come along and cheer on the children.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to the following students:
Prep: Rylee Wilson | Always trying her best and having a positive atttude. |
Grade: 1/2 L: Ned Collins Wood | Always lending others a helping hand and making amazing improvements in reading. |
Grade: 1/2 R: Erica Bloomfield | Her excellent progress in reading and spelling. |
Grade: 3/4 L: Charlie Cowling | His fantastic efforts in Reading when working with Mrs Marks |
Grade: 3/4 P: Zoe Arnold | Writing a wonderful poem called an Auto-Bio poem |
Grade 5: Jacob Cain | Always being a fun and entertaining member of our class. Enjoy your new school. |
Grade 6: Zac Dahlitz | His great explanation on the law of reflection! Well done. |
Happy Birthday
We wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Michele Dichiera - 14th August - 10 yrs
Sonny Pollard - 16th August- 9 yrs
Junior News
Junior Unit Fun Day and Grade 1/2 Sleepover
The Junior teachers have begun planning for our Junior Unit Fun Day and Grade 1/2 Sleepover. This is happening on the 7th of September. A letter with more information will go home for parents next week.
Prep News
Show and Tell- Week 6’s topic is ‘Something That You Have Made’.
Over the past 2 weeks we have been learning about subtraction. Have a look below at some of our maths artworks.
Grade One/Two News
Geography- This week we have been learning about built and natural things in their environment. Students have designed zoos/marine parks and thought about how to group their animals into different sections.
Art- We have been focusing on camouflage in Art this week. Students have created some art work where the animals blend in with their background.
Maths- Grade One have been learning about 3D shapes, counting the edges, surfaces and faces of a shape. We created 3D animals, see picture below.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
Prep: Rebecca Appledore - rappledore@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
1/2 L: Grace Laity- glaity@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
1/2 R: Lisa Ryan- lryan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Friday - 1/2 R contact – ewood@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au)
Middle News
Grade Three / Four:
Earlier this week, a note went home outlining the format of the Grade Three and Four camp which will be held in Week Two, Term Four (Wednesday 11th October - Thursday 12th October). Thanks to those parents who have already returned the permission slips. If you have a tent that can be shared by two, three, four or more children, would you please let us know ASAP. Thank you.
Julie will be away on LSL for the remainder of the term. Please see Tana Lawrence if you have any questions etc.
Julie and Adam 🙂
We start each day in 3/4 P reading for 10 minutes.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 3/4 L: Adam Lawrence – alawrenc@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 3/4 P: Julie Phelan – jphelan@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
Senior News
Five / Six Camp
With camp fast approaching, please remember to complete your payment and ensure you have given permission through Simon. Packing guides have gone home. Students will need to be at school by 7:15 am on Monday 21st August, for a 7:30 am sharp departure. Please email Danielle if you have any further questions regarding camp.
Grade Five
Today we say goodbye to Jacob. We spent time on Friday enjoying lots of Jacob’s favourite things - pizza, popcorn, a movie and soccer! Jake, we will miss your funny stories and we promise to look after the chickens just the way you have taught us to. Enjoy your new adventure and come back and see us soon!
Grade Six
We have been learning a lot about the continent of Asia this Term and we have begun a project on an Asian country of our choice. One of the main religions practised in Asia is Buddhism. The teachings of Buddha form the basis of Buddhism which is practised by people from all over the world. In Art, we created a ‘half portrait’ of Buddha by sketching using various shades of oil pastel before completing it with a paint wash.
In Religion this week we have been learning about God’s covenant with Abraham. For Catholic Christians the story teaches an important lesson that we must trust in God's plan. The story is also a good example to help students understand the importance of patience. As in the story, Abraham and Sarah did not lose their faith in all those years and maintained their faith in God.
If you have any questions you can email us at:
- 5: Cheryl-Anne Courtney - ccourtney@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
- 6: Danielle Ford- dford@olshmerbein.catholic.edu.au
General News
School Advisory Council Members:
Thel O’Shea, Hannah Mills, Grant Finlayson, Amy Cupper, Sandra Hammet, Lana Borchard, Adam Lawrence (Staff Rep) & Narelle Gallagher (Principal)
SIMON Everywhere App
This can be downloaded from either the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. The app has been updated earlier this year and an email was sent out to parents. If you are having issues with logging in, can you please contact Mia in the office.
Student Medical Profile
Medical Profile: Please make sure that the school has been notified of any changes that have been made to your child’s Medical Profile on PAM and to also include this on the pink Parental Authority and Consent Form each year.
Parent Notified Absence
If your child is unwell and will be absent from school, you are able to complete a Parent Notified Absence (PNA) on the SIMON Everywhere App or Parent Access Module (PAM) which will automatically notify the teacher and a text message will not be sent.
These are distributed every Friday on SIMON Everywhere and the OLSH Website. Please contact us if at any time you have any queries or require any further explanation about events, dates etc. Any items for the newsletter are asked to be handed in at the office by 9.00am on Friday.
Attendance & Sign in
A reminder to parents that the school needs to be notified of a student absence by 10 am on the day. This can be done by calling the school office or by using SIMON Everywhere or sending an email to admin@olsmerbein.catholic.edu.au.
Second Hand Uniform
Please contact the school if you require any second hand uniform.